The Culmination of over 17
years of research
hands on training, and dedication, where thousands of athletes have benefited from our proprietary sports training programs to achieve goals of becoming faster, stronger, better! Individual, group and team training, in any sport, is now available.
It takes eight-to-twelve years of training for a talented player/athlete to reach elite levels. This is called the ten-year or 10,000 hour rule, which translates to slightly more than three hours of practice daily for ten years Unfortunately, parents and coaches in many sports still approach training with an attitude best characterized as “peaking by Friday,” where a short-term approach is taken to training and performance with an over-emphasis on immediate results. A long-term commitment to practice and training is required to produce elite players/athletes in all sports. The athletes who excel in our group were not only committed to excelling this year but have shown an unending ability to work toward excellence over time .